PCOPY Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Copies one video memory page to another. Syntax PCOPY sourcepage%, destinationpage% Remarks The PCOPY statement uses the following arguments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Argument Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sourcepage% A numeric expression with an integer value between 0 and n that identifies a video memory page to be copied. Argument Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- destinationpage% A numeric expression with an integer value between 0 and n that identifies the video memory page to be copied to. The value of n is determined by the current size of video memory and the current screen mode. The number of video memory pages available depends on the current screen mode, the graphics adapter, and how much screen memory is available with the adapter. Note Multiple video pages are not available in OS-2 protected mode, so the PCOPY statement has no effect. See the SCREEN statement for more information about the number of pages available in different modes See Also CLEAR, SCREEN Statement Example See the SCREEN statement programming example, which uses the PCOPY statement.